27 Nov 2016

Der Verlorene Engel

For you who given colour on my canvas
Who given light on the dark
Who wiped the tears
Who painted smile on sadness

You are you
Not white, black or violet
Not me, him, neither them
You are your own shadow
Not night, neither day
Nor dark, neither light
You are your own world

You and all about you
Your air, your sky, your earth
Gather on your box
you put all you need in, and throw it out when you dont need it anymore

im stuck on your box
Stuck in labirynth you created
impossible to running back home, neither have courage to keep moving forward
Im here
stuck in here
without your gaze, without you

Vermond, ich warte auf dich
💜 Ich Liebe Dich, Schatz


25 Sept 2016

Fear of Missing Out

Fear of missing out or FoMO is a pervasive apprehensioan that others might be having rewarding experiences from which one is absent. This Socio angst is characterized by a desire to stay continually connected withthat others are doing

Unreasonable fear commonly owned by social media users
Afraid to be missing out by imaginary friends
people mostly dont know who exactly thet are, but their post on social media
Why we should be afraid to be missing out?
Dont we have ouw own buissiness to do?
Dont we have our own family to care?
Dont we have our own friends to laugh with?
Dont we have our own mate to be loved?
social media is social media
be wise with it
since real social connection is more valuable
value each touches, hugs, laughs, tears than emoticons ~.-

Its me, 
I just out from my FoMO
hoping all people can do the same 
